Explore American cuisine!

The United States is a melting pot of cultures and food. Without a doubt, the United States has the most diverse food culture of any nation on earth. With your Plymouth Public library card, you can now explore AtoZ Food America, a digital library that covers regional, state, and ethnic cuisines for the entire country.

AtoZ Food America boasts over 6,500 recipes, plus many other features including dozens of articles on national and regional cuisine, dining etiquette, and special occasion foods. Are you interested in culinary history? Explore historical food labels, magazine ads, vintage TV commercials, as well as digitized cookbooks from the 19th and early 20th centuries. Are you interested in food preparation techniques and food “hacks”? You can view fun, informative videos on topics ranging from peeling hard boiled eggs to to boiling chicken.

For more information, follow this link to watch a quick tutorial. You can directly log into AtoZ Food America by clicking here.

Posted in Library News, Premium Resources.